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If you are concerned with the environmental impact of the materials you use, WPC is your best bet. The manufacture of plywood, on the other hand, will result in deforestation. WPC is an alternative for natural Wood. WPC is composite blend of waste wood (Sawdust) agriculture waste and recycled polymer as a binder with functional additives. WPC is an Ecofriendly ,100% recyclable, termite resistance, water resistance and highly durable.

The following table lists the differences between WPC & Plywood:


WPCs helps in saving trees & supports Go Green Plywood is harmful & it often leads to deforestation
WPC has government support as it is not harmful to environment No government support due to environmental harm
WPC is termite proof

Plywood is termite resistant

WPC is fire resistant

Plywood can cause fire
WPC can be reused

Plywood cannot be reused

WPC has a minimum resale value of 25% to 35%

Plywood has no resale value
WPC’s price is same as compared to marine ply

Plywood’s price is high as compared to PVC ply

No additional cost is incurred as cost of fire retardant, water proofing etc

Additional cost is incurred as cost of fire retardant, water proofing etc

WPC has no smell

Plywood has bad smell

WPC has more strength as compared to plywood

Plywood has less strength as compared to WPC

WPC incurs low labor cost

Plywood incurs high labor cost

Making of WPC saves time

Making of plywood is time consuming
There’s less wastage as compared to plywood

There’s more wastage as compared to WPC

WPC causes no irritation to the eyes

Plywood causes irritation to the eyes

WPC’s thickness is standard thickness

The thickness of plywood keeps on varying

In WPC there is no bending problem

There are bending problems in plywood

WPC is Non – Toxic

Plywood is Toxic

WPC can high earn profit

Plywood earns less profit

WPC is easy to handle

Plywood is tough to handle

The calibration process of WPC is easy

There is no calibration in plywood

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