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PVC/WPC Boards and Doors are one of the fastest growing products in the plywood industry in the last few years. Features like termite-resistance, waterproofing, fire-resistance has led to developing confidence of the customers to use it in more and more furniture applications. However, as this subject is new distributor, dealer, retailers, carpenters and interior architects are unaware about various important parameters that are to be considered before buying the product. The current trend of the market is ‘trial and error’ and as there are no set standards for this product, there are good chances that if trial is taken on an unstandardized product, the first- time user may reject the overall product itself.

Here are few quality parameters of PVC/WPC Boards that can easily be checked without using any fancy equipments: –

  1. Density  –  In order to know how to calculate the density of a WPC Board, you can check out our previous blog post.

Link for the Blog Post:

Equipments required: –

Industrial Weighing Scale:

Vernier Caliper:

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Measuring Tape:

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2. Hardness – Surface hardness is one of the make/break points while checking the quality of PVC/WPC Boards. A good surface hardness ensures higher durability for furniture applications and ensures the furniture lasts longer in spite of rough and tough use.

While it is a common practice among dealers to use fingernails to check the hardness of the material, it is not scientific and accurate. The recommended method of measuring the hardness of the board is by using a shore-hardness D meter (durometer) Ideal hardness for the boards should be 75D to 80D.

Equipment required: –

Shore-Hardness D meter (Durometer):

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3. Screw Holding capacity – Screw Holding capacity is one of the most critical parameters based on which the quality of the PVC/WPC Boards can be judged. Normally people believe that higher the density of the product, better is the screw holding capacity of the board which may not necessarily true because no 2 brands with equal density have the exact same screw-holding capacity. It is because if the composition and the formulation with which they are made are quite different. It is hence better to check the screw-holding capacity by your own-self. The best way to do that is by using a ‘Bosch GO Solo Impact Screwdrivers’ Try screwing the boards back and forth for 10 times from the side of the sample of the boards with screw and Bosch Screw-drivers after that, screw it partially and hold it with a plier and ask someone to pull it off from the opposite side. If the screw holding capacity is good, they will not be able to separate the sample piece from the screw.

Equipment required: –

Bosch GO Solo Impact Screwdrivers:

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As a responsible dealer, distributor and an influencer in this industry, it is our duty to give the customer the best quality and most suited-product. These are some quality-checks you can undertake to ensure you are offering the best product and service to your customers.

For any further queries, you can mail us on or Whats App us on +91 9930349421/ +91 9930349472

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